Equanimity- by Syl Mortilla

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    This is it

    Los Angeles

    Articolo in risposta a contestazione di quello precedente.. Syl risponde.. ovviamente..


    by Syl Mortilla


    I had a complaint about the blog last week. Someone suggested I had insulted Michael by comparing him to a ten-year old boy. I might be wrong, but to me, having the liberty to genuinely compare Michael to a ten-year old boy whilst defending him against accusations of spending too much time with children and dabbling in the supernatural is something of a relief. I got the impression the complaint was to do with my not having granted Michael the capability of masculine sexuality. As I have stated before (and why I invited the complainant to try reading other blog posts I’d written – but to no avail), I believe Michael had many facets to his character that he could retrieve at will, though his primary concern was the promulgation of a message of peace. Indeed, the true test of any great artist is the eventual achievement of a childlike quality in their work. Take Picasso, for example: what makes his work so exemplary is his ability to express complete visions and and feelings through a continuous line. Amongst many other examples, Michael’s songs Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough, Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ and They Don’t Care About Us all fit into this category. They all contain that element of the playground chant of a child.

    Complaints are by no means an unusual occurrence, but normally the dissenting voices come from Public Relations people ostensibly utilised by the Estate to do precisely that; or else, the beLIEvers. The relative whereabouts on the spectrum of morality of the fertilisers and propagators of both these factions of the Michael Jackson fan community (Ivy and Pearl Junior, respectively) are difficult to pinpoint. Ivy, on the one hand, is provably qualified to Masters level in Marketing and Business Administration, with her ‘Research Interests’ listed as ‘Internet Marketing, Brand Equity, Effect of Marketing on Firm Value and Cross- Cultural Marketing’ – a flawless job description for the potential role of manipulating Michael Jackson fans via the medium of social networking, whilst Pearl Junior is indubitably highly adept at combining the phenomenon of banally ambiguous coincidence with the emotional manipulation of vulnerable people, for the good of lining her own dirty pockets.

    Both factions, when it comes to this trial we’re all currently waiting to hear the verdict of, remain in the same boat. They both have political investments in the success of AEG. Ivy and the Estate have point-blank refused to support the Jackson family throughout the trial, whilst Pearl Junior and the beLIEvers claim that if AEG lose, Michael will never be able to come out of his hiding place, because he will be arrested and charged with fraud. Never mind that a man has been in jail for the past two years serving punishment for Michael’s involuntary manslaughter. Michael is not the fraud around here.

    So, yeah. After this imminent verdict, us long-suffering Michael Jackson fans get to have to deal with the release of our hero’s killer on October 28th. Then, after that, next on the legal timeline that is the bane of being a Michael Jackson supporter, is June 2nd 2014, the month of the fifth anniversary of Michael’s death, when it’s decided whether or not Michael should be posthumously sued in a civil court for molesting Wade Robson. (By the way, remember that Press Complaints Commission claim filed by the Estate after UK tabloid The People rehashed an old and redundant story about the FBI having damning files involving Michael and children? Remember, printed by an AEG-sponsored newspaper at the height of AEG looking like fools During the trial? Turns out the Estate didn’t pursue the claim. They didn’t even respond to emails from the PCC.)

    I suppose my point is that as true Michael Jackson fans, we have a duty to follow the light and fight the good fight. It’s easy to be distracted by the nefarious nonsense that has infiltrated the community, but it’s imperative that we aren’t. We have many ensuing battles to engage with and triumph in.

2 replies since 24/9/2013, 21:48   59 views