Posts written by ligary

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    Michael Jackson voleva un clone

    Il direttore di un centro di ricerche a New York rivela che il re del pop ha lasciato "in eredità" il suo DNA

    Michael Jackson voleva un clone. Scomparso prematuramente il 25 giugno del 2009, il re del pop avrebbe lasciato in eredità anche un campione di DNA finalizzato, in futuro, alla realizzazione del suo clone, magari, perché no, un clone capace di continuare la sua opera musicale. Perr questo Michael avrebbe assicurato tre campioni di DNA in tre diverse strutture sanitarie sparse per il mondo. A rivelarlo è il direttore del Center for Extraterrestrial Research di New York (!), Michael Luckman, che ha rivelato di aver ricevuto questa informazione dallo stilista Andre Van Pier, grande amico del cantante. “Van Pier è venuto a conoscenza della notizia da uno dei più stretti collaboratori di Michael Jackson, il quale gli ha rivelato che il cantante aveva lasciato il suo Dna in un laboratorio a Panama..”. Vero o falso? Luckman, un esperto di alieni, è in procinto di pubblicare un nuovo libro dal titolo “La battaglia per l'anima di Michael Jackson”, tomo in cui prova a documentare la passione dell'autore di “Thriller” per la clonazione umana. Più chiaro di così..
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    Canzoni di Halloween più popolari, la classifica Spotify: Michael Jackson resta un classico

    Da Michael Jackson a Ozzy Osbourne, ecco le canzoni di Halloween più popolari raccolte nella classifica di Spotify!

    Siete in cerca di una colonna sonora per la notte più terrificante dell’anno? Questo è l’articolo che fa per voi. Se volete movimentare la vostra festa di Halloween, ecco la classifica di Spotify che raccoglie le canzoni più popolari legate a questa ricorrenza, con in testa immancabilmente il compianto Michael Jackson.

    La sua Thriller è stata nominata la più popolare tra le canzoni di Halloween da Spotify: la piattaforma streaming che consente l’ascolto gratuito degli album di tutti gli artisti (o almeno di quelli che hanno dato il loro consenso), si è messa al lavoro per scovare i brani più adatti alla notte di Halloween e ha analizzato oltre 600.000 playlist a tema.

    Il risultato ha incoronato il classico di Michael Jackson targato 1982, in assoluto il brano più presente in tutte le playlist dedicate ad Halloween. Oltre trent’anni dopo, Thriller è ancora un must have per ogni party del 31 ottobre che si ripetti. Non a caso, il brano è contenuto nell’album omonimo che ancora oggi è considerato il più grande successo della storia della musica, con vendite stimate tra i 66 e i 110 milioni di copie secondo i dati del Guinness World Record.

    Nella classifica stilata da Spotify seguono la hit Monster Mash Di Boddy ‘Boris’ Pickett al secondo posto e Ghostbusters di Ray Parker Jr. al terzo: in top10 compaiono anche Richard O’Brien e Ozzy Osbourne.

    Ecco i primi 10 brani in tema con la notte di Halloween più ascoltati in streaming e la playlist per ascoltarli in sequenza. E buona notte delle streghe!

    Thriller – Michael Jackson
    Monster Mash – Bobby “Boris” Pickett
    Ghostbusters – Ray Parker, Jr.
    This Is Halloween – Personaggi Disney
    Time Warp – Richard O’Brien
    (Do not Fear) The Reaper – Blue Oyster Cult
    Qualcuno Watching Me – Rockwell
    Bark at the Moon – Ozzy Osbourne
    I Put a Spell on You – Screamin ‘Jay Hawkins
    A Nightmare On My Street – DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
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    February 1990 Michael with
    Mike Tyson, Frank Sinatra, Goldie Hawn, Sammy Davis jr, Altovise Davis, Anita Baker, Jasmine Guy, Lola Falana, Steve Lawrence, Eydie Gorme, Shirley MacLaine, Dean Martin, Quincy Jones, Dionne Warwick, Whitney Houston, Dawnn Lewis, Gregory Hines, Tony Danza, Richard Pryor, Ed McMahon, Clint Eastwood and Earvin Johnson.

    from FB Rose Dum. Thanks.

    Edited by ligary - 8/7/2016, 19:41
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    Michael Jackson Seen Alive,

    Hiding In Canada

    Under Assumed Name

    Who Is Mystery Man 'Alain Pontifex?'
    Posted on October 13, 2014 by DvanL

    ONTARIO, Canada – Michael Jackson Seen Alive, Hiding In Canada Under Assumed Name

    Soon after the June 2009 death of the ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson, a number of worldwide conspiracy theories and death hoax scenarios emerged, generated by fans who either refuse to deal in reality, or by individuals who genuinely believe that a cover-up concerning Jackson’s death took place.

    Although most stories are taken about as seriously as reports of an Elvis Presley sighting at a Burger King, suspicious events in Ontario, Canada are leading many to believe that Jackson, in order to escape mounting legal problems, staged his death, assumed a second identity, and is now living in Canada under the name Alain Pontifex.

    One week after reports of Jackson’s death, a mysterious newcomer moved into a small bungalow near Ontario’s Lake Doré. According to a neighbor, a fleet of moving vans and a limousine pulled up in front of the property where a ‘pale middle-aged male’ was escorted into to the house, surrounded by what appeared to be 3 bodyguards.

    Census records list Alain Pontifex as the owner of the home. He has never been seen in public. A small live-in staff attends to his needs. When locals ask questions about Pontifex, the answer given by household employees is always the same: “Mr. Pontifex is a very private person.”

    Jackson ‘truthers’ believe that stories of the entertainer’s ill health and frailty while rehearsing for his 2009 “This Is It” London comeback concert were all part of a disinformation campaign designed to lend credibility to Jackson’s faked death. “Truth For MJ,” a Jackson death hoax organization with a growing membership, cites many hints leading to the logical conclusion that Alain Pontifex and Michael Jackson are one and the same person. Group moderator [email protected] writes:

    Many packages delivered to the cottage are from theatrical makeup and costume companies
    Visitors to the cottage are always privately escorted from Ottawa International Airport to the Pontifex home by staff members and shielded with umbrellas
    The town has received a request for a permit to house exotic animals on the premises.
    A former contractor hired to do “outside work” around the cottage said “I never met Mr. Pontifex, but I did hear his voice once or twice. It did sound like Michael Jackson’s voice,” said the anonymous worker. “I can’t swear that it was Jackson, but I got the feeling it was some famous person who wanted to hide out, and I think I heard something about them building a recording studio inside the house.”

    Town officials offer no comment except to say that they respect the wishes of all members of the community. A few Jackson truthers have attempted to visit the cottage, but have been stopped by private security.

    So now, conspiracy theorists have one more plot to debunk, add to, or pick apart. In a recent posting, MJtruthcaptainBob said, “The truth is out there and we, the world’s greatest fans of Michael Jackson will work hard to expose it. We owe it to the greatest entertainer in the world. He never gave up on us, and we will never give up on him,” he added.
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    Prince Jackson’s Girlfriend Has

    a Confidentiality Agreement (Report)

    *Prince Jackson’s girlfriend has reportedly been ordered to sign a confidentiality agreement regarding their relationship.
    Michael Jackson’s 17-year-old son is dating Nikita Bess, but the Jackson family’s security team has asked the girl and her relatives to agree not to speak publicly about Prince.
    A source at Prince’s school, The Buckley School, told Radar Online: ”When Prince started dating his girlfriend Nikita Bess last year, 6-7 bodyguards showed up at her house and tried bullying her and her family into signing confidentiality agreements.
    ”They do it with all of the girls that Prince dates because the family is so secretive!”
    It was previously revealed Prince is ”in love” with Nikita and has even given her a promise ring.
    A source said: ”He wants to be with her forever and the family adores her.”
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    La chitarrista di Michael Jackson in concerto a Udine

    Redazione 6 ottobre 2014
    Presso Black Stuff Dal 10/10/2014 Al 10/10/2014

    L’anima rock di Michael Jackson raccontata attraverso la sei corde della sua chitarrista storica Jennifer Batten che sarà in concerto venerdì, 10 ottobre, al Black Stuff di Udine. Un appuntamento esclusivo, a lungo atteso dai tantissimi appassionati dell’indimenticato re del pop che potranno ascoltare i suoi pezzi più famosi eseguiti dalla chitarra che ha calcato assieme a Jackson i palcoscenici dei faraonici tour mondiali di Bad, Dangerous e HIstory world tour.

    Di Jennifer Batten resta nell’immaginario dei fans di Jackson l’icona della chitarrista appariscente e virtuosa, vestita in pelle nera, con un’enorme criniera biondo platino e che infiammava lo show con il pirotecnico assolo di chitarra di “Beat It” e “Dirty Diana”.

    La presenza della Batten al Black Stuff farà anche la gioia di musicisti, chitarristi e addetti ai lavori visto che Jennifer è stata considerata un riferimento per la chitarra elettrica moderna, una virtuosa alla stregua di nomi come Steve Vai e Joe Satriani . Dal 1997 inoltre, la Batten collabora sia in studio che dal vivo con Jeff Beck, con il quale ha inciso l’album “Who Else” e del quale riproporrà alcuni brani durante il concerto. Non mancheranno momenti di chitarrismo spettacolare con pezzi del repertorio solista della Batten, tra cui il suo celeberrimo arrangiamento per chitarra elettrica del “Volo del Calabrone” di R. Korsakov.

    Ad aprire la serata un intenso set acustico: prima il cantautore friulano Miky Martina quindi il poliedrico chitarrista Nazzareno Zacconi.

    L’ingresso è libero e l’inizio dello spettacolo è previsto per le 20:00.
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    ... With Floyd Mayweather

    10/6/2014 7:30 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

    There's only been ONE person who spent his fortune more recklessly than Floyd Mayweather ... and now that person's son is an official member of Floyd's "Money Team."

    Prince Michael Jackson was rollin' through Calabasas this weekend -- with "The Money Team" decals plastered all over his tricked out GMC truck ... joining other TMT members like Warren Buffett, Justin Bieber and Lil Wayne.

    Prince is a HUUUGE fight fan -- and has been training in jiu-jitsu at the renowned Gracie Academy in Beverly Hills. Clearly, he's into boxing as well.

    For the record, Floyd's spending sprees DON'T HOLD A CANDLE to MJ's shopping habits ... especially in Vegas, where Michael would spend MILLIONS of dollars in a matter of minutes.

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    Michael JACKSON EBONY 2007 interview, MJ in slow motion, Photoshoot.
    Love u Sev

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    IRS: We Made A Mistake Valuing Michael Jackson's Estate

    The Internal Revenue Service says it made a mistake in valuing Michael Jackson’s estate. Nope, the IRS hasn’t abandoned its much discussed claim for $702 million in extra taxes and penalties—a bill Jackson’s estate is fighting in U.S. Tax Court. Instead, the tax agency is upping its demand by $29 million to nearly $731 million.

    In a previously unreported court filing, the government says that IRS auditors originally thought the King of Pop owned only 50% of certain master recordings at his death in June 2009, when he really owned 100% of them. That 100% interest was worth $91 million by the IRS’ figuring, compared to the $11 million reported on the Jackson estate tax return.

    The change brings the IRS’ valuation of Jackson’s estate and lifetime taxable gifts up to $1.178 billion, compared to the $7 million the estate reported. The IRS now wants a total of $525.6 million in tax and $205.1 million in gross valuation misstatement and negligence penalties. (Any interest owed will be on top of that.) Of course both the IRS and the estate’s values are best regarded as opening bids in what could be a long negotiation. A trial, if there is one, is far off.

    Indeed, in a joint status report filed with the Tax Court last month, lawyers for the government and the estate say that while they’re close to settling four relatively small issues and have dueling appraisers discussing the value of Jackson’s personal tangible property, they don’t expect a speedy resolution of the big dollar issues in the case. Those involve the value of Jackson’s intangible and intellectual property (his name, likeness and his interests in music he wrote or performed) as well as the value of two trusts he apparently set up to borrow against his assets and to transfer assets to his heirs at minimal tax cost during his life.

    The two trusts hold Jackson’s music publishing rights as well as his 50% interest in a joint music publishing venture with Sony Corp. Known as Sony/ATV Music Publishing, the venture is the largest music publishing company in the world and owns or administers millions of songs, including Beatles songs Jackson bought back in the 1980s. The estate placed the value of the assets transferred through the two trusts at just $2.2 million, whereas the IRS says the taxable value was $527.5 million.

    Forbes senior editor Zack O’Malley Greenburg, who wrote a recent book on the Jackson business empire, estimates the Jackson estate has earned more than $700 million since the singer’s death, as his music has had a resurgence, with new releases, two Cirque du Soleil shows based on his work , the concert film This Is It and even an endorsement deal with PepsiCo PEP +0.99%. But at the time of his death, the economy was in the dumps and Jackson’s image was considerably less golden, in part due to allegations of child molestation. It’s the value of his image at death that matters for estate taxes.

    The estate valued Jackson’s name and likeness at a trifling $2,105, whereas the IRS contends they were worth $434 million. Despite the unique circumstances surrounding Jackson, the resolution could well affect how other celebrity estates are taxed in the future.

    The value of a celebrity’s image was also at issue in two recent U.S. Tax Court decisions involving the income taxation of endorsement and appearance fees paid to professional golfers Sergio Garcia and Retief Goosen and is an issue in an ongoing Tax Court case involving best selling crime writer Karin Slaughter. Ironically, in those cases, the IRS has tried to maximize Uncle Sam’s tax take by minimizing the value of such intellectual property, while taxpayers have argued (and Tax Judges have agreed) that a celebrity’s image has substantial value.
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    2 ottobre 2014

    Lo storico video “Thriller” di Michael Jackson tornerà presto in una veste nuova di zecca. Il regista John Landis (lo stesso che ha firmato capolavori come “The Blues Brothers” o “Animal House“) ha raggiunto un accordo con gli eredi del king del pop, e ha intenzione di ridistribuire il video durante il 2015 in un’inedita veste 3D. Stiamo già ballando dalla gioia!

    I quattordici minuti di “Thriller” sono una pietra miliare della storia musicale degli ultimi decenni. Il videoclip, a suo tempo, è stato il più costoso della storia.
    La causa per i diritti di “Thriller” va avanti da qualche mese prima della morte di Michael Jackson. Landis ha sempre sostenuto che gli spettasse la metà dei profitti generati dalla clip. La disputa, comunque, è giunta al termine. Ancora non si conoscono i dettagli del piano del regista per il rilancio della clip ma, se tutto va bene, potremmo scopriremo il tutto il prossimo anno.
    Ovviamente, non potevamo lasciarci sfuggire questa occasione di riguardarci l’intero video!

    Michael Jackson
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