New book has 'poop' on Michael Jackson as former bodyguards...

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    If MJ were alive, this book would not have been written

    On June 25 it would be five years since Michael Jackson, the King of Pop went to bed and never woke up — he died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication. Hitting the stands later this month is, Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in his Final Days, written by MJ's former bodyguards, Bill Whitfield and Javon Beard along with bestselling author Tanner Colby. Excerpts from the book, exclusive to Bangalore Mirror; published with permission from HarperCollins India
    Javon: The schoolteacher, Ms. Ilean... was an Asian woman from Bahrain....Mr. Jackson was no joke when it came to the kids' education. School started at 8:00 a.m. sharp. A spare room on the first floor was converted into a classroom. Like, it was an actual classroom....bookshelves, maps, educational posters with the alphabet and multiplication tables, all that. The kids each had their own desk. It looked like any classroom you'd see at any regular elementary school. It was the same whenever we were traveling and staying in hotels. A separate room was always reserved and we'd have the hotel set up desks in there, and that room would be used as the kids' classroom.
    Bill: As up and down as their lives could be, Mr. Jackson insisted that there be structure and routine in the kids' educational environment. They even wore school uniforms. Prince and Blanket wore white shirts with black slacks and ties. Paris wore patent leather shoes and a dress, like a little Catholic schoolgirl dress. They were always well groomed. Hair combed, uniforms pressed. And Monday through Friday, every morning, the kids woke up, got dressed, came downstairs for breakfast, and then they "went to school."
    The State Board of Education has all kinds of requirements for homeschooling, which includes the children passing exams to make them eligible to move on to the next grade. Ms. Ilean organized her lesson plans to meet all of those benchmarks. She doled out homework, required book reports, instituted study hall periods. The quality of their schooling was as good as or better than what you'd see at any top-level private school. Those were some smart kids. They were constantly reading. Their brains were like little sponges, always curious, always asking questions. When we drove them out to dinner or to go to the movies, Mr. Jackson would be in the backseat, quizzing them on whatever they'd learned that day. He knew exactly what they were studying. He sat down every week with the teacher to go over her lesson plans and keep tabs on what was being taught. He'd help them with their homework, too, in the afternoon and at night. They would come to him all the time. "Daddy, will you help me with my homework?" That was one of his favorite things to do.

    Very little television was watched in that house. They'd have movie nights, watch DVDs together as a family, but it wasn't like a lot of households where you see kids just camped out in front of the TV.
    Javon: There were lots of extracurricular activities, too. The kids had PE every day.... In class, the kids would read and study about the subjects, then we'd take them on field trips and they'd have to turn in reports on them.
    Bill: ....People have often wondered why Mr. Jackson kept his children's faces covered with masks and veils when they were in public. The tabloids said it was weird and crazy, but they didn't understand the reason for it. If no one knew what his children looked like, they could occasionally go to public places without him and have a somewhat normal experience. When they were away from their dad, they could be everyday kids doing everyday things.
    Javon: People laughed at the idea of him being a father, laughed at the kids' names and the masks and all that. Like, how weird it must be for Michael Jackson to be a father. But the more you got to know him you saw that being a father was the most normal thing about him. We were on post this one time, and he called down to say he'd run out of laundry detergent and could somebody run and pick him up some more. Before that moment, I'd never stopped to imagine Michael Jackson in the laundry room, washing his kids' clothes, but that's really how he was a lot of the time.
    He didn't spoil them, either. There were the extravagant trips to FAO Schwarz and all that, but that was only for holidays and birthdays, or as a specific reward for doing well on a test or doing their chores. If they didn't do well, he was just as quick to take their privileges away.
    ...You see all these celebrity kids on TV all the time, bratty and spoiled and arrogant. Michael Jackson's kids were the opposite. They never asked for much, and when they did, it was always "please" and "thank you" for everything. And when one of them did misbehave, it didn't take too much discipline to straighten them out. One little talk or one little time-out and they'd learn their lesson.....
    Bill: ....We always tried to run everything on a tight schedule. To make that schedule work, we always tried to leave at a certain time. But with Michael Jackson? It was rare that we left on time. His look had to be flawless before he'd go to any public event. There were times he'd get all the way to the car and say, "Wait, wait, I have to go back." And he'd turn around and go back in. He had a hair out of place or something—and this was after the stylist had worked on him for two and a half hours. Prince was the only one brave enough to literally grab his dad and say, "Let's go!" He'd go through the house, making sure his little brother and sister were dressed, putting them in the car. If we got somewhere on time, it was usually thanks to Prince.
    Javon: All three of them were familiar with the nature of their father's life. It was like they were born ready for everything that he had to go through. The motorcade shows up at four in the morning, you get in, go here, fly there, have school in a hotel room. Ireland one day, Las Vegas the next. It was second nature to them....
    Javon: Paris was Daddy's Little Girl. She was this little girl surrounded by nothing but men. She had a big brother telling her what to do. She's got a little brother telling her what to do. Mr. Jackson telling her what to do. You'd think she'd maybe be a little tomboyish because of that, but she was always very much a girly-girl. Always smiling, always cheerful. She has these bright blue-green eyes that just light up a room. Loved playing with dolls, having little dresses....The boys couldn't get away with much, but Paris could...
    Javon: Any time we closed down a bookstore to go shopping, Mr. Jackson wanted everyone to go through the store together, section by section, so that they wouldn't get separated. They'd do the History section, then the Science Fiction section, and so on
    Javon: Mr. Jackson was always concerned that we were taking good care of ourselves. He'd always say to us, "Do you guys work out? Do you guys eat right? Don't eat a lot of junk food; it's not good for you." For the most part, he and the kids were very healthy eaters. He'd let them go to McDonald's sometimes, go get hot wings, ice cream, pizza, or whatever, but that was only as a treat.....The biggest indulgences for the kids were their birthday parties. For those, Mr. Jackson went all out....
    Javon: Whoever's birthday it was, we'd follow the same routine. We'd arrange to have FAO Schwarz closed down so they could shop undisturbed. Then we took them out to a special birthday lunch. Chinese food most of the time. The Wing Lei restaurant at the Wynn hotel, that was one of their favorites; there was a private room in the back they'd reserve for Mr. Jackson whenever he came. After lunch, he'd rent out a movie theater so the kids could go see a movie. And while they were out at the toy store and the movies, the house was being decorated. They'd come back and: "Surprise! " We'd have the magician, the clown with the balloons, the cotton candy. The whole place would be decked out for a party.
    Bill: And there'd be nobody there. There were no other guests, no other children. It was just the clowns, Mr. Jackson, me and Javon, sometimes the teacher or the nanny. The kids didn't have any friends.
    Javon: The only person who was ever there was Marlon Brando's son Miko; they were friendly because Mr. Jackson and Marlon Brando were tight. A couple times, Miko and his kids came by to celebrate, but it was usually just us.
    Bill: It was hard to witness, hard to accept: nobody coming around, ringing the bell, and bringing gifts. No famous aunts and uncles calling to say happy birthday. Didn't matter if it was the kids' birthdays, his birthday, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July—there was nothing, nobody. It was just us. You kind of got used to it.
    Javon:....Sometimes you'd feel sad about how they were so isolated, but they were always so happy just being together. When Mr. Jackson had to leave the kids behind at the house for a business meeting, they would always come to the door as a group to see him off. They'd follow him right to the car and they'd each say, "I love you, Daddy." And he'd say, "I love you more." That was their little ritual every time he left the house. And when he got home, didn't matter if he was gone for two hours or twenty minutes, they'd run to meet him, screaming, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"
    Bill: They were like this little unit, just the four of them. All they had was each other...


    Bill: Mr. Jackson's manager, Raymone Bain, came out to Vegas in February....she didn't fly because she was bringing Mr. Jackson a briefcase that had a couple hundred thousand in cash in it. You can't take that kind of money through airport security without having to answer a lot of questions. So she drove.
    Her car pulled into the driveway; Feldman came out and got the briefcase, leaving her in the car, and took the case into the house. ........We were out there for a good thirty, forty-five minutes, and by then it was pretty clear that Mr. Jackson wasn't going to ask her to come into the house, that he didn't even want to see her....His own manager drives across the country to see him after he's been overseas for months, and they don't even speak? ...Raymone was the point person. She kept the schedule, organized his affairs. Most mornings, she would send an itinerary over: go here, go there, call this person, etc. Sometimes Mr. Jackson would go through that schedule and follow it to the letter. Other times, he'd look at some appointment she'd made and say, "Oh, she has an ulterior motive for that. We're not going there."
    We started to feel uneasy about their relationship. He didn't speak highly of her, yet here she was handling his business... Javon: ..... Our pay was never on time. It was never consistent.... You'd hear things in the media about his finances, but from where we stood, there was just no way a man like Michael Jackson could be broke. He had stashes all over the place, stacks of cash hidden away. Like that briefcase Ms. Raymone brought him. The same day our pay was late we'd be going somewhere to spend twenty thousand dollars on something. He's flat broke and he's worth millions at the same time? That's what we never got.


    It started in the early 1990s, the first time he was accused of child molestation. Things started to unravel then. But the second time he got accused? He was here in Vegas when it happened, staying at the Mirage the day the sheriff's department turned Neverland upside down looking for evidence.... Mr.Jackson went back after they raided it. He went back, once, saw what they'd done, and then he just turned around and left. After they destroyed Neverland, he was never the same person again.


    Javon: I'd actually been to Neverland, as a kid. I went with my church when I was fourteen years old.... Mr. Jackson would invite groups like ours to come and ride the rides and play with the animals and such...I remember you had to get on a train to even get on the estate... It was beautiful. He had monkeys. He had flamingos. He had a pond with all these exotic fish in it. I can remember riding the carousel and the mini roller coaster. He had the teacups where you spin and turn. There was unlimited ice cream and candy and popcorn, too. The vending machines didn't take money. You just picked whatever you wanted. No charge. It was real nice. It was a blast. We loved it. Bill: My only trip to Neverland was that March. There were some things Mr. Jackson wanted, some pictures, a few personal items, so he sent me to pick them up. The house had been abandoned for a while. The only person there was a security guard stationed at the could tell that it was not being maintained. All the carnival rides just sitting there. Whole place dead quiet. Nothing lit up. No animals in the zoo. All the plants and trees overgrown. There was a lake near the house, a little pond, and it was dirty, real dirty, filled with algae. The inside of the house looked ransacked. After the sheriffs went through there, nothing was ever put back into place. Drawers left open, boxes overturned, everything covered with dust. It was eerie. The whole time I kept thinking about what the guard told me at the gate on the way in. "Be careful," he said. "There's snakes." "Snakes?" "Yeah. Rattlesnakes. Lots of 'em."


    TANNER COLBY answers Did you discover the real Michael Jackson during the course of writing this book? The real Michael Jackson was not the King of Pop. Those were two different people. The latter was stylish and had a commanding presence. The former was soft-spoken, deferential, and mostly wore V-neck t-shirts and pajama bottoms around the house. Michael was a loving father and a generous humanitarian on one hand and a tortured soul, beset by loneliness and sadness, on the other. What were his last years like? Michael Jackson's last few years were an endless quest to find peace and solace. Everyone wanted a piece of him. He would occasionally steal a few days of pure joy with his kids, only to have the vultures and the paparazzi track him down and invade his privacy and put their hands back in his pockets. He didn't know how to escape them. He didn't know how to find the peace he was searching for. Give us a glimpse of his famous quirks. MJ did have his eccentricities. He had cases of Tabasco sauce in his kitchen pantry — he really liked it — and he was always sending Bill and Javon out on odd errands to buy this or that, like the time he bought a life-sized Simpsons movie display at a theater. But as Bill himself noted, he always considered Mr. Jackson to be different. "Never weird, just different." What look like eccentric quirks to us were often the natural result of the closed off, insular world he lived in. If you were too famous to leave your own house or do your own grocery shopping, you might stock up on hot sauce, too. If you suffered from chronic insomnia, you'd be up dancing at 4 in the morning also. What has been the reaction of MJ's family to the book? To my knowledge, no one from his family has responded publicly to the book. If they have read it, what their private opinions are I cannot say. What about the accusations of MJ being a pedophile? The thing people seem to forget about the accusations against Michael Jackson is that they were proven false, in a court of law. He was fully acquitted on all counts, and the facts of the case are available to anyone with five minutes and an Internet connection. Just as convincing is the eyewitness testimony of Bill and Javon, who are both fathers themselves. If they had harbored any doubts they never would have worked for him. But the man they knew was a kind and loving and devoted father.

    FACT FILE: MJ was a voracious reader and loved to listen to English classical music.
    He was painfully isolated from everyone, including his sister.

    Janet Jackson who had to make appointments to see him (and be refused).

    MJ had secret affairs with two women whom he "made out with" in the back of a limousine.

    He would organise elaborate birthday parties for his kids Prince, Paris and Blanket who had no friends at all.

    MJ was raised a Jehovah's Witness; they do not celebrate Christmas. But Jackson did for his kids. One night he went Christmas shopping all alone, after the store was closed for the night for customers. He bought $10,000 worth of toys — train sets, action figures and lots of "girly-girly" stuff for his daughter Paris — and had them all gift-wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree in his house before dawn.

    MJ's security guards carried semiautomatic Glock pistols with extended magazines; Tasers that could deliver 1.2 million volts; MP5 fully automatic submachine guns; military style AR15s, 12-guage automatic shotguns; close to 3000 rounds of ammunition for everything they had. But MJ didn't like his kids seeing any kind of weapon.

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