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    Los Angeles


    Michael Jackson's son to testify about father's death

    by Alan Duke CNN


    Los Angeles (CNN) -- Four years after Michael Jackson died, his oldest son is ready to tell a jury about the last days of his life.
    Prince Jackson, now 16, was 12 when he followed an ambulance carrying his father to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on the afternoon of June 25, 2009.
    On Monday, in the Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit, Jackson lawyers informed AEG Live attorneys that Prince will be the next witness after a doctor who is an expert in medical conflicts of interest completes his testimony Tuesday.
    That would likely put Prince on the stand Wednesday, a day after the fourth anniversary of his father's death.
    Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson and their grandmother Katherine Jackson are suing AEG Live, accusing their father's last concert promoter of negligently hiring, retaining or supervising Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.
    Doctor: Jackson had no REM sleep Paris: Michael said nanny 'lied a lot' Compare Michael Jackson in 2001 to 2009 What did AEG know about MJ's health?
    Jackson lawyers argue that the promoter and producer of the "This Is It" shows pressured Murray to get Jackson to rehearsals but failed to get Jackson help despite numerous red flags that he was in trouble.
    Murray told police he used the surgical anesthetic propofol nearly every night for two months to treat Jackson's insomnia. The coroner ruled that an overdose of propofol killed him.
    AEG Live lawyers argue that Jackson chose and supervised Murray and that their executives had no way of knowing the doctor was using the dangerous treatment.
    A medical conflict of interest
    Dr. Gordon Matheson, the director of the sports medicine department at Stanford University, testified as an expert in medical conflicts of interest Monday.
    After reviewing testimony and evidence in the case, Matheson concluded that AEG Live created a conflict of interest because the contract it negotiated with Murray to serve as Jackson's personal doctor for $150,000 a month "was likely to lead to poor medical decisions."
    Matheson, the team doctor for Stanford's athletic department, compared it to a football coach telling a team doctor on the sidelines in the fourth quarter of a big game that a star quarterback has to go back in the game despite a suspected concussion.
    Murray, who had closed his clinics to take the job and was $1 million in debt, would be inclined not to resist the AEG Live executives' pressure to get Jackson to rehearsals despite evidence of his failing health, Matheson testified.
    Murray himself was conflicted because the negotiated contract was structured so that he answered to AEG, but it also could be canceled if the tour was canceled, he said. "I think that conflict played out as Michael Jackson's health began to deteriorate."
    E-mails from the show director Kenny Ortega and production manager John "Bugzee" Hougdahl warned AEG executives of Jackson's deterioration during June 2009, including indications he was unable to do some of his trademark dances or remember lyrics to songs he had sung for decades.
    His makeup artist and a choreographer testified about Jackson's paranoia, his talking to himself and hearing voices, and his severe weight loss.
    Associate producer Alif Sankey testified that she "had a very strong feeling that Michael was dying" after a rehearsal 11 days before his death.
    "I was screaming into the phone at that point," Sankey testified. "I said he needs to be put in the hospital now."
    Lost battle for sleep
    A Harvard sleep expert testified last week that the nightly propofol treatments likely interrupted Jackson's sleep cycle, robbing him of REM -- rapid eye movement -- sleep, which is vital to keeping the brain and body alive.
    "The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period," Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the trial.
    If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of a propofol overdose, the lack of REM sleep may have taken his life within days anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.
    Lab rats die after five weeks of getting no REM sleep, he said. It was never tried on a human until Murray gave Jackson nightly propofol infusions for two months.
    Prince to testify
    Prince will be the only one of Jackson's three children who will appear in court, although the video of Paris' deposition over two days in March will be seen at some point during the AEG Live defense presentation. The company compelled her testimony, calling her a key witness to her father's dealings with Murray and to her own relationship with her father.
    Jackson lawyers informed the court last week that Paris, 15, would not be available to testify in person because she is hospitalized for psychiatric treatment after a suicide attempt earlier this month.
    In testimony last week, chef Kai Chase recalled how devastated Paris was in the first moments at home when she realized something was very wrong with her father.
    "We were literally pulling her by her ankles down the stairs as she was trying to go back up, screaming 'Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!'" Chase testified.
    Paris made millions cry two weeks later when she spoke at the public memorial for Jackson.
    "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," she said. "And I just want to say that I love him so much."
    Jackson confided in his son about his business dealings at an early age. His testimony is expected to include revelations about what his father told him in his last weeks about whom he trusted and distrusted.
    "Prince has always been, even at 12, the little man -- daddy's little man," Chase testified. "He wanted his father to be very proud of him, which Michael was."
    "The weight of the world is on his shoulders, the eldest, big brother and father figure to his siblings," Chase testified. "It's a lot for him, growing, liking girls. He wishes his father was here to give him advice. It's devastating to him."
    Life after his death
    Jackson died just two weeks before he was to travel with Prince, Paris and Blanket to London where 50 concerts were scheduled over the next 10 months. Their father told them they would go on a long world tour after the London shows, which they were excited about, Paris said in her deposition.
    After the tour, Jackson intended to buy a mansion in Las Vegas to serve as a base while he concentrated on making movies, his children said. To prepare them, Jackson hired a film professor from the University of Southern California to teach them movie-making techniques in their home school.
    With their father gone, the children moved in with their grandmother in the same Los Angeles home where Michael Jackson lived at a teen. The veil of privacy -- which included wearing masks when in public with their father -- was soon replaced by occasional public appearances to honor their father.
    The children spoke at the Grammys, a Hollywood Boulevard dedication ceremony, a tribute concert and to Oprah Winfrey. In each event, they appeared poised beyond their years.
    The two oldest enrolled in a private school, a major change from the home tutoring their father provided.
    Prince and Paris have both begun exploring careers in entertainment.
    Prince worked several days as a "special correspondent" for "Entertainment Tonight" and acted in an episode of the television show "90210." Aunt La Toya Jackson arranged the jobs for him.
    Paris signed up with an A-list Hollywood manager to help with her acting career earlier this year, but that's on hold while she is being treated.
    Blanket, whose nickname came from the blanket his father often covered him with in public, is still taught at home, which is now a big hilltop house in a gated Calabasas, California, community.
    "He does dance moves like his father," according to Chase, who was rehired as the children's chef last year.
    Blanket, now 11, does "a lot of remembering what daddy did, and it's constant nonstop talking of him and his father's relationship together," Chase testified last week. He often wears a T-shirt from the Cirque du Soleil "Immortal" show based on his father's music, Chase said. "He wears it constantly."
    The trial, in its ninth week in a Los Angeles courtroom, is expected to last into August, according to lawyers on both sides.

    Il figlio di Michael Jackson testimonia sulla morte del padre

    Los Angeles (CNN) - Quattro anni dopo la morte di Michael Jackson, il suo figlio più grande è pronto a raccontare a una giuria gli ultimi giorni della sua vita.

    Prince Jackson, ora 16, aveva 12 anni quando ha seguito l'ambulanza portando il padre al Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, nel pomeriggio del 25 giugno 2009.

    Lunedi ', nell'illecito per la causa di morte della famiglia Jackson, gli avvocati dei Jackson hanno informato gli avvocati di AEG Live che Prince sarà il prossimo testimone dopo che un medico esperto di conflitti di interesse completerà la sua testimonianza Martedì.

    Prince salirà sul banco Mercoledì, il giorno dopo il quarto anniversario della morte di suo padre.

    Un conflitto di interesse medico

    Il Dr. Gordon Matheson, il direttore del dipartimento di medicina dello sport presso la Stanford University, ha testimoniato come esperto in conflitti di interesse medico questo Lunedi.

    Dopo aver esaminato le testimonianze e le prove, nel caso, Matheson ha concluso che AEG Live ha creato un conflitto di interessi in quanto il contratto è statp negoziato con Murray per servire come medico personale Jackson per 150.000 $ al mese "era suscettibile nel condurre decisioni mediche povere."

    Matheson, il medico della squadra per il reparto atletico di Stanford, la paragona ad un allenatore di calcio che dice al medico della squadra a bordo campo nel quarto trimestre del gioco che un giocatore caduto per terra, deve tornare indietro nel gioco, nonostante una sospetta commozione cerebrale.

    Murray, che aveva chiuso gli ambulatori per prendere il lavoro aveva $ 1 milione di debiti, sarebbe stato incline a non resistere alla pressione dei dirigenti di AEG live 'per far andare Jackson alle prove nonostante i sintomi della sua salute cagionevole, ha testimoniato Matheson.

    Murray è stato combattuto perché il contratto negoziato era strutturato in modo che rispondesse solo ad AEG, che potevano annullare il suo contratto se il Tour fosse stato cancellato, ha detto. "Credo che il conflitto giocasse con la salute di Michael Jackson che è iniziata a peggiorare."

    Le e-mail inviate dal direttore dello spettacolo Kenny Ortega e dal direttore di produzione John "Bugzee" Hougdahl avvertivano i dirigenti di AEG del deterioramento di Jackson nel mese di giugno 2009, tra cui le indicazioni che non poteva fare le sue famose coreografie o ricordare i testi delle canzoni che aveva cantato per decenni.

    La sua truccatrice e una coreografa hanno testimoniato sulla paranoia di Jackson, il suo parlare a se stesso e sentire le voci, e la sua grave perdita di peso.

    Il produttore associato Alif Sankey ha testimoniato che lei "aveva una fortissima sensazione che Michael stava morendo" dopo una prova 11 giorni prima della sua morte.

    "Stavo urlando al telefono, a quel punto," ha testimoniato Sankey. "Ho detto che aveva bisogno di essere ricoverato in ospedale, ora."

    Jackson aveva subito infusioni notturne di propofol per due mesi, senza riuscire ad entrare nella fase REM e quindi non dormendo.

    Prince nuovo testimone

    Prince sarà l'unico dei tre figli di Jackson, che comparirà in tribunale, anche se il video della deposizione di Parie registrato 'in due giornate dimarzo sarà visto ad un certo punto durante la presentazione della difesa diAEG Live. La società ha costretto la sua testimonianza, chiamandola come testimone chiave per i rapporti di suo padre con Murray e al suo rapporto con il padre.

    Gli avvocati dei Jackson hanno informato il tribunale la scorsa settimana che Paris, 15, non sarebbe disponibile a testimoniare di persona, perché lei è ricoverata in ospedale per un trattamento psichiatrico dopo un tentativo di suicidio all'inizio di questo mese.

    Nella testimonianza della scorsa settimana, la chef Kai Chase ha ricordato come Paris era devastata nei primi momenti a casa quando si rese conto della scomparsa del padre.

    "L'abbiamo letteralmente presa per le caviglie giù per le scale mentre cercava di risalire, urlando 'Papà, papà, papà!'" ha testimoniato Chase.

    Paris due settimane più tardi pianse davanti a due milioni di persone, quando parlò al memorial pubblico di Jackson.

    "Da quando sono nata, papà è stato il miglior padre che si possa immaginare", disse. "E io voglio solo dire che lo amo così tanto."

    Jackson ha confidato a suo figlio circa i suoi rapporti d'affari in tenera età. La sua testimonianza è prevista per includere rivelazioni su ciò che suo padre gli aveva detto nelle sue ultime settimane su cui si fidava e diffidava.

    "Prince è sempre stato, anche a 12, un piccolo uomo - il piccolo uomo di papà," ha testimoniato Chase. "Voleva che suo padre potesse essere molto orgoglioso di lui, quello che Michael era".

    "Il peso del mondo è sulle sue spalle, il più grande, il fratello maggiore e figura paterna per i suoi fratelli," ha testimoniato Chase. "E 'molto per lui, sta crescendo, ha la simpatia ragazze. Vuole che suo padre potessere essere qui per dargli consigli.' E' stato devastante per lui."

    La vita dopo la morte

    Jackson è morto appena due settimane prima che lui viaggiasse con Prince, Paris e Blanket a Londra dove 50 concerti erano stati programmati per i prossimi 10 mesi.
    Il loro padre gli disse che avrebbe intrapreso un lungo tour mondiale dopo gli spettacoli di Londra, loro erano entusiasti, ha detto Paris nella sua deposizione.

    Dopo il tour, Jackson intendeva acquistare una casa a Las Vegas dove dovevano rimanere e si doveva concentrare sulla regia di film, hanno detto i suoi figli. Per prepararli, Jackson aveva assunto un professore di cinema della University of Southern California per insegnare loro le tecniche della creazione di un film, nella loro casa.

    Con il loro padre scomparso, i bambini hanno vissuto con la nonna nella stessa casa di Los Angeles dove Michael Jackson ha vissuto da adolescente. Il velo di segretezza - che comprendeva le maschere che indossano in pubblico con il loro padre - è stato presto sostituito da occasionali apparizioni in pubblico per onorare il loro padre.

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